One of the keys to successful goal achievement is the ability to visualize the results that you want. When I was in college I would often take my kids for a walk past the open field behind one of the large college halls where graduation ceremonies were held. I would take a few minutes to visualize in my mind walking up to the platform with a great big smile on my face and receiving my diploma. I would also walk through the graduation day events in my head when I was exercising in the college recreation center. The adrenaline (Epinephrine) from the exercise combined with the stimulation of the mental visualizations generated a great deal of excitement inside of me. These periods of mental visualization (tomorrow vision) kept me motivated towards attaining my goal.
In Stephen R. Covey's book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" he refers to my "Tomorrow Vision" principle as "Beginning with the End in Mind". When you want to accomplish something of value it is important to know what the result will look like. This mental exercise will provide motivation as well as allow you to monitor your progress against the goal state. When you put together a puzzle, it is much easier if you have the box in front of you that shows you what the puzzle will look like when you are finished. By comparing your progress against the image on the puzzle box often, you can analyze whether or not you are on the right track or if you need make corrections. The image can also help you to determine which puzzle piece can be easily incorporated next into the overall vision. Likewise, focusing often on the mental image of your success will keep you motivated and on track towards the attainment of the goal.
High Definition:
The important aspect of tomorrow vision is that it be high definition; that it be clearly rendered in detail in your mind. In Tamara Lowe's new book "Get Motivated" she proclaims that
"I am going to set you up for success. In order for me to do that, you need to be very clear about what you want."(emphasis mine) If your tomorrow vision is fuzzy, your end results will be fuzzy as well.
Action Steps:
- Write down the top 10 things you want to do, be and have in life
- Choose one of the items from the list and create a mental image of the goal state or create a collage of pictures that vividly displays what you are seeking to attain
- Take time each day (10+ minutes) to meditate & play your success film in your mind.
Celebrating Your Success!
Scott Harrison
@SuccessNuggets (twitter)
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